Achievement Program


The Achievement Program (AP) is an educational program for you to learn and master the many crafts and skills necessary in the hobby of model railroading. With the completion of each category, you will be issued a certificate acknowledging your achievement.

While participation is strictly voluntary, all Carolina Piedmont Division 13 members are welcome and encouraged to participate in the Achievement Program.

For a complete description of the NMRA's Achievement Program click here to go to the NMRA's AP web page. Click here to go to the MER's AP web page. This page tells you about our CPD13 AP Chairman and how to contact him, and provides a list of CPD13 members who have received AP awards.

 Getting Started

Go to a Regional or Divisional meet. Take a model along and enter it in the model contest. Contest results will provide you with a good benchmark of your current skills. If you score enough points you will be presented with a Merit Award that you can use towards your Certificates of Achievement (see below). If you don't earn a merit Award the judges will be happy to advise you on how you might improve the model or build a better one next time.

If entering a contest doesn't appeal to you, contact your local AP Chairman to arrange for merit Award judging to be performed on your model at the next Division or Region meet separate from the contest.

AP judges will make house calls. If you are applying for a Golden Spike Award (see below) or for categories like Scenery, Civil or Electrical which cannot be transported to a contest, your local AP Chairman will send judges to your home at an agreed time for Merit Award judging. Talk to your local AP Chairman about the items you will need for the judging.

Division AP Chairman

The AP Chairman for the Carolina Piedmont Division 13 is:

Vic Bitleris

2636 Iman Drive

Raleigh, NC 27615

Phone: (919) 602-7748

Click here to send an Email to Vic.

The AP Chair for the NMRA's Mid-Eastern Region is:

Carolina Piedmont Division AP Certificates Earned